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How to Leave Islam

Hello, reader! You can leave Islam for another religion if you feel like you don't belong to it. The steps to do so are listed below. You need not follow the order in a rigid way, but do focus on each step and perform it sincerely.

  1. Overcome you fear of Hell and Hell Fire. Relax! Hell is one of the most recurring topics in Islamic scriptures. However, the Almighty God is not a sadist who will roast you in hell for billions of years just because you failed to worship, or even failed to recognize, him in your short life of a few decades.
  2. Read the warnings given below before you proceed to the next step and remember them at every step.
  3. Respect all humans irrespective of religion, race, nationality, gender.
    • Respect all Non-Muslims.
    • Respect women. Treat them as equals of men.
    1. Study the Quran, hadith and sira with an open mind. If you are wise you will be able to decide whether these scriptures are fit for you or not.r.
    2. Ask more questions about Islam. If you do not get convincing answers from Muslims, it's time for you to take a call on your religious affiliation.
    3. Learn about Muhammad. Read non-Muslim sources. So then you will realize that he was not a saintly figure but a very wicked man.
    4. Give up Muslim rituals. The sheer number of rituals is likely to be very tiresome for you. You can stop practicing these rituals and enjoy life. Here are some detailed actions for you.
    • Don't go to the mosque once you have given up your belief.
    • Think about adopting vegetarianism if you are opposed to halal slaughter, or rather animal slaughter of any kind.
    • Don't celebrate Islamic festivals.
    • The Qur'an and hadith impose bans on extremely trivial or irrelevant things like booze, interest on loans, silk, saffron dye, dice, exposing thighs, looking at exposed thighs, trade in wine and so on. Break these rules because they take away all your freedom.
    1. Choice of name. If you live in the West or another non-Muslim country, you can change your name so that it does not look like a Muslim.
    2. 7
      Be in touch with other ex-Muslim groups and organizations. They are mostly active online. They will give you moral and emotional support.
      • Remember, however, that ex-Muslim is not a permanent identity. Your children and your future generations are not likely to call themselves ex-Muslims with pride, are they? Once you realize this, move to the next step.
    3. 8
      Convert to another religion. You have many choices to do so. Alternatively, you can become an atheist, agnostic or irreligious person.
      • Worship an idol or many idols of another religion. This is the most strictly forbidden act in Islam and, once done, it should convince you that you are not Muslim anymore.
    4. 9
      Choose a spouse who understands and accepts your choice of religion.
    5. 10
      Pass on your new beliefs to your children. Inculcate your newfound values and identity in them.
      • Don't give your children Muslim names.

    6. Last step - Forgive me for the weird bullet alignments above! 

    Some Tips

    • Study the history of Islam from unbiased non-Muslim sources and judge yourself whether its morality standards are good or bad. It will help you decide your faith and belief.
    • Do not get swayed by high-profile public figures including political and religious figures. Many of them often talk praises of Islam and woo Muslims for personal or political reasons.
    • If you are very open about having left Islam, you might face death threats. So be careful.
    • Think twice if you are planning to criticize Islam or Muslims after you have left Islam. It may put you in trouble.
    • If you are living in an Islamic-majority country, there is virtually no one to provide you safety. Don’t reveal your thoughts to anyone, including your family and your best friends. They too can get offended at your decision.
    • Try and maintain anonymity, even on online communities, until you are assured of your safety. For example, don't use your real name everywhere online.
    • If you are a girl or a young woman, be even more careful. Honor killings of women by their own family for the slightest un-Islamic act are common.

    What to do after leaving Islam?

    1. Keep your children away from Islam.
    • Your exit from Islam might as well be a sort of waste if your children are raised as Muslims and if they self-identify as Muslims.
    • Do not give them Muslim names.
    • Tech them your new religion. Raising them as atheists won't really help much. Aristotle once said, "Nature fears void". Atheism of today is the void in today's society, which islam tries its best to fill up.




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